EITC Housing Benefits

In this notebook, we try to estimate the cost of a hypothetical EITC program to aid with rental housing payments. The aim is to supply a family with enough EITC to have them pay no more than 30% of their income for housing. Namely, the algorithm we implement is as follows:

Let $y_i$ denote the income of family $i$. Furthermore, suppose that family $i$ has characteristics married $s \in \{0,1\}$ and children $c \in \{0,\dots, 3\}$. Suppose $y_i$ is such that it qualifies family $i$ for $e_i = e(y_i,s,c)$ amount of EITC benefits. Finally, suppose that family $i$ lives in location $l$ and pays rent $r$ for a $b\in \{0,\dots,4\}$ bedroom housing unit. Then, under our scheme, family $i$ will receive additional EITC housing benefits $h$ of:

$$h = max(r_{l,b} - .3(y_i+e_i), 0 )$$


We have 3 datasets containing the following information:

  1. Number of EITC recipients in 356 metros per income bracket.
  2. Number of EITC recipients in 356 metros per number of children.
  3. Amount of EITC benefits one receives for various income levels and family characteristics (ie marriage and number of childre)
  4. The FMRs in 356 metros per number of bedrooms of the housing unit.


  1. Two datasets, taxes and FMRs, are merged based on their CDSA codes but not all of the codes match. Namely, the tax data contains 381 metros but only 351 of them match to the FMR data. We are able to match an additional 5 CDSA codes for a total of 356 metros. However, there is no guarantee that the additional 5 metros match precisely with the metro of the Brookings data. For example, the FMR data contain a CDSA as 'Santa Barbara-Santa Maria-Goleta' while the tax has CDSA 'Santa Maria-Santa Barbara'. clearly, the FMR area is larger but in adding the 5 metros, we disregard this discrepancy.

  2. We have a distribution of files incomes in each metro area. The distributions are binned in increments of \$5k up to \$40k and then are binned at \$10k increments. Since we only have the number of people who filed within each bin, we assume a uniform distribution of incomes in each bin and use the bin mean as the representative income for that bin. However, the highest income for which EITC benefits are given is \$52400k but we must rely on \$55k. The latter will overestimate the income and number of EITC recipients in that bin. One proposal to mediate that is to divide the bin \$50-\$60k in half and to use \$52500 as the median and half the number of \$50-\$60k as the filers.

  3. We do not have any figures on marriage but need to differentiate between married and unmarried families. Consequently, we employ 1-50.2% -figure from some Christian Science article*- as the proportion of adults married. In doing so, we must assume that marriage rates across the income distribution, number of children, and metros do not vary.

  4. Both FMR and EITC data are for year 2014 whereas the tax data is for year 2013. Thus, we assume that FMRs and EITC benefits do not differ drastically between 2013 and 2014.

  5. We only have numbers aggregated based on children and based on income bins but not across both; therefore, to estimate the proportion of families with each child type in each income bin, we assume that the number of children a family has does not vary across the income distributions.

  6. Consider the following variables:

    • the number $n_{c,l}$ of EITC eligible families in metro $l$ and with number of children $c\in \{0,1,2,3+\}$
    • the number $m_{b,l}$ of EITC filers in each metro $l$ and income bin $b \in \{1,2,\dots, 10\}$

    The tax data contains two sets of numbers data: 1) the number $n_l = \sum_{c} n_{c,l}$ of EITC eligible people in each metro for each family type 2) the number $m_l = \sum_{b} m_{b,l}$ of families who filed for EITC in each income bracket. Note $n_l \geq m_l \quad \forall l$. To acquire the number of family types in each income bracket, we calculate

    $$p_{l,c} = \frac{n_{l,c}}{n_{l}}$$

    then compute

    $$k_{c,l,b} = p_{l,c} \times m_{b,l}$$

    Where $k_{c,l,b}$ is the number of families with children $c$ and in income bin $b$ in metro $l$. Of course, for this we must assume that the proportions among the eligible hold equally among those who actually file. Finally, let $T(p_{l,c})$ be the total cost calculated using eligible counts and let $T(p_{l,b})$ be that total cost calculated using bin proportions then $$T(p_{l,c}) \geq T(p_{l,b})$$

In [2]:
##Load modules and set data path:
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import numpy.ma as ma
import re
data_path = "C:/Users/SpiffyApple/Documents/USC/RaphaelBostic"

In [3]:
################### load tax data ###############################
#upload tax data
tx = pd.read_csv("/".join([data_path, "metro_TY13.csv"]))

#there is some weird formatting in the data due to excel -> fix:
tx['cbsa'] = tx.cbsa.apply(lambda x: re.sub("=|\"", "",x))

#numerous numerical column entries have commas -> fix:
tx.iloc[:,3:] = tx.iloc[:,3:].replace(",", "",regex=True).astype(np.int64)

#set the cbsa as the dataframe index:
tx.set_index('cbsa', inplace=True)


The cell below is the longest running part of this code because we must interact with excel, individually load 9 sheets, and then concatenate them into a single dataset.

In [4]:
###################### Read EITC data ###########################
##parse the EITC data:
eitc = pd.ExcelFile("/".join([data_path, "EITC Calculator-2-14.xlsx"]))
sheets = eitc.sheet_names

eitc_dict = pd.read_excel("/".join([data_path, "EITC Calculator-2-14.xlsx"]), sheetname =  sheets[9:17], skiprows = 14 )

eitc = pd.concat(eitc_dict)

Fair Housing Share

EITC data contain the amount of EITC benefits a family receives for a given income level. The goal here is to get a family's total income and what would be considered a fair share of income for housing. This is where we perform following aforementioned calculation:

$$\text{total income} = y_i + e_i(s,c)$$$$\text{housing share} = .3\times \text{ total income} $$

In [5]:
################### Process EITC data ###########################
eitc = eitc.iloc[:,[0,40]]
eitc = eitc.loc[eitc[2014]>0,:]
eitc.reset_index(level=0, inplace=True)
eitc.reset_index(drop=True, inplace=True)
#eitc['num_kids'] = eitc.level_0.str.extract("(\d)", expand=False)
#eitc['married'] = eitc.level_0.str.contains("Married").astype(int)

#calculate fair share of income for housing
eitc['total_income'] = eitc['Nominal Earnings']+eitc[2014]
eitc['haus_share'] = eitc.total_income*.3

#remove "Nominal" from family description.
eitc.level_0.replace(", Nominal", "", regex=True, inplace=True)

Mapping children to bedrooms

In order to estimate relate FMR data to family types, we must map the number of bedrooms to the number of children and marriage. Here, we assume that marriage does not make a difference, thus, the mapping only varies on the number of children in the family. Presently, the following is implemented:

$$ \begin{array}{ccc} \text{num of children} & & \text{num of bedrooms} \\ 0 & \to & 1 \\ 1 & \vdots & 2 \\ 2 & & 2 \\ 3+ & \to & 3 \\ \end{array} $$

In [6]:
##Map FMR data to EITC data (Variable)
#assigned bedrooms to child counts
repl_dict ={'Married, 0 Kid':'fmr1', 'Married, 1 Kid':'fmr2', 'Married, 2 Kids':'fmr2',
       'Married, 3 Kids':'fmr3', 'Single, 0 Kid':'fmr1', 'Single, 1 Kid':'fmr2',
       'Single, 2 Kids':'fmr2', 'Single, 3 Kids':'fmr3'}

eitc['r_type'] = eitc.level_0.replace(repl_dict)

haus_share = eitc[['level_0', 'haus_share', 'r_type', 'Nominal Earnings']]

In [7]:
################# Read & process fmr data  ######################
#read in fmr data
fmr = pd.read_excel("/".join([data_path, "FY2014_4050_RevFinal.xls"]))

#drop non Metro areas:
fmr = fmr[fmr.Metro_code.str.contains("METRO")]

#extract cbsa code:
fmr['cbsa'] = fmr.Metro_code.str.extract("O(\d{4,5})[MN]", expand=False)

#edit FMR CBSA codes to match tax CBSA codes:
cbsa_chng_map = {'14060':'14010', '29140':'29200', '31100':'31080', '42060':'42200', '44600':'48260'}
fmr.cbsa.replace(cbsa_chng_map, inplace=True)

#drop duplicates based on cbsa code:
#fmr = fmr.drop_duplicates(['cbsa','Areaname'])
fmr = fmr.drop_duplicates('cbsa')

fmr.reset_index(drop=True, inplace=True)

#clean up the area names by removing "MSA and HUD Metro FMR Area"
fmr['Areaname'] = fmr.Areaname.apply(lambda x: re.sub(" MSA| HUD Metro FMR Area", "", x))

#set an interpratable index
fmr.set_index("cbsa", inplace=True)

#fetch columns that pertain to FMR figures
fmr_cols = fmr.columns[fmr.columns.str.contains("fmr\d")]

#reformat monthly fmr to annual cost of rent
fmr[fmr_cols] = fmr[fmr_cols]*12

#subset to only matching cbsa codes between tax and fmr data
common_cbsa = fmr.index.intersection(tx.index)

fmr = fmr.loc[common_cbsa]
tx = tx.loc[common_cbsa]

print("The number of CBSAs between tax and fmr data matches?:", fmr.shape[0] == tx.shape[0])

The number of CBSAs between tax and fmr data matches?: True

Calculate amount of EITC housing aid each family type in each metro receives

In [8]:
##0. Define function to calculate eitc
def calc_haus_eitc(group, income):
        1. group - (pd.df) subset of data frame by family type
        2. income - (int64) total income the family earns
        1. aid - (pd.Series) a series containing eitc housing aid for each family type for a given income
        The function is basically the max(r - (y+e)*.3, 0) but if we are at income levels that don't qualify
        a family type for EITC benefits then we need to output a corresponding vector of NAN values so that
        the groupby operation doesn't error out on its concatenation step.
    details = group[group['Nominal Earnings'] == income]
    if details.shape[0] > 0:
        aid = fmr[details.r_type]-details.haus_share.iloc[0]
        aid[aid<0] = 0
        aid = pd.DataFrame(np.array([np.nan]*fmr.shape[0]))
        aid.index = fmr.index
        #aid.columns = [group.r_type.iloc[0]]
    aid.columns = ['aid']

In [9]:
##I. Make a vector of income bin means
min_earn = 2500
mid_earn = 37500
step = 5000
income_vect = np.linspace(min_earn,mid_earn,((mid_earn-min_earn)/step+1))

add_vect = [45000,52500]
income_vect = np.concatenate([income_vect, add_vect])

In [54]:
##II. Group by family type and loop over incomes
groups = haus_share.groupby(by = 'level_0')

#place eachincome is placed into a dictionary entry
aid_incomes = {}
for income in income_vect:
    aid_per_income = groups.apply(calc_haus_eitc, income=income)
    aid_incomes[income] = aid_per_income.unstack(level=0)
#concatenate dictionary into a 2-indexed data frame (flattened 3D)    
one_family_aid = pd.concat(aid_incomes)
one_family_aid.columns = one_family_aid.columns.levels[1]

Calculate families of each type in each income bin

In [11]:
############### 0. pre-checks and params ########################
#set proportion of ppl married
prop_married = 1-50.2/100    #some Christian Science article (not sure if credible source)

#for convenience, extract cols corresponding with number of ppl filed for EITC in each income bracket
eagi_cols = tx.columns[tx.columns.str.contains("EAGI")]

#cut the 50-60 bin number in half according to assumptions
tx['EAGI50_13'] = tx['EAGI50_13']/2

#it doesn't seem that the total eligible for eitc matches the distributional count of incomes
print("Prop accounted for in income distribution counts\n",(tx[eagi_cols].sum(axis=1)/tx.eitc13).quantile(np.linspace(0,1,5)))

Prop accounted for in income distribution counts
 0.00    0.876222
0.25    0.972034
0.50    0.984475
0.75    0.990173
1.00    0.998135
dtype: float64

In [12]:
################ I. compute proportions #########################
eqc_cols = tx.columns[tx.columns.str.contains("EQC\d_")]

chld_prop = tx[eqc_cols].div(tx.eitc13,axis=0)
m_chld_prop = chld_prop*prop_married
s_chld_prop = chld_prop - m_chld_prop

m_chld_prop.columns = m_chld_prop.columns + "_married"
s_chld_prop.columns = s_chld_prop.columns + "_single"

tx = pd.concat([tx, m_chld_prop,s_chld_prop],axis=1)
eqc_cols = tx.columns[tx.columns.str.contains('EQC\d_13_married|EQC\d_13_single', regex=True)]

In [13]:
############### II. multiply to across ##########################
#here I make a 3D matrix with metros, bins, types on each axis 
#then flatten it into a 2D data frame. 

#Implicit broadcasting across two 2D matrices into a 3D matrix

#flatten into a pandas dataframe

C_2D.columns = one_family_aid.columns

C_2D.index = one_family_aid.index

Calculate total cost

In [14]:
############### aggregate aid and filers #########################
disaggregated =np.multiply(C_2D, one_family_aid)

#summing once gives us metro-level totals -> summing that gives us total
total = disaggregated.sum(axis=1).sum()

In [15]:
print("Total EITC Housing Aid cost: %.2f billion" %(total/1e9))

Total EITC Housing Aid cost: 119.17 billion

Supplemental Questions

  • number metros where families earning 52,400 recieve EITC housing aid
  • what if no one receives more aid than the median income earning family

In [16]:

(10, 357, 8)

In [17]:
quantiles = np.divide(C_3D,np.cumsum(C_3D, axis=0))

In [18]:
#find the median income values
Cool stuff: in essence, we have the following algorithm
-consider only values greater than .5 in the cumulative percentiles of each income bin
-find the minimum on the masked array -> these are the medians
-use the rows set as true as the identifiers of the median income in the index
masked_quantiles = ma.masked_where(quantiles<=.5,quantiles)
median_idx = masked_quantiles.argmin(0)
median_idx = np.where(masked_quantiles == masked_quantiles.min(axis=0))
median_mat = np.zeros(quantiles.shape, dtype=bool)
median_mat[median_idx] = True

In [19]:

(10, 357, 8)

In [20]:
#flatten into a pandas dataframe

median_2D.columns = one_family_aid.columns

median_2D.index = one_family_aid.index

In [21]:
#just double check the results from above

EAGI0_13 EAGI5_13 EAGI10_13 EAGI15_13 EAGI20_13 EAGI25_13 EAGI30_13 EAGI35_13 EAGI40_13 EAGI50_13
10180 0.093470 0.257948 0.456057 0.589849 0.704124 0.802934 0.884988 0.945133 1.000000 1.0
10420 0.115991 0.304029 0.528612 0.651629 0.745072 0.831303 0.905655 0.958074 0.999991 1.0
10500 0.057985 0.235216 0.504913 0.675505 0.797185 0.884118 0.940377 0.978090 1.000000 1.0
10580 0.122691 0.311323 0.525337 0.637294 0.736800 0.828336 0.908093 0.962823 1.000000 1.0
10740 0.101689 0.267683 0.464770 0.593863 0.704703 0.808794 0.896367 0.955335 0.999666 1.0

In [37]:
#the amount of aid the median income family in each metro is getting
median_metro_aid = one_family_aid[median_2D].reset_index(level=0, drop=True).dropna()

In [72]:
#the amount of aid the median income family in each metro is getting
median_metro_aid = one_family_aid[median_2D].reset_index(level=0, drop=True).dropna()
comparison = pd.concat([median_metro_aid]*10)

#inefficient way of making the comparison matrix the same size as the original matrix
comparison.index = one_family_aid.index

#also inefficient but copy in order to not lose the original matrix
X = one_family_aid.copy()

#set the values that are above the median to np.nan
X[comparison <= one_family_aid] = np.nan

#fill nan values with the median values
X.fillna(comparison, inplace=True)

In [70]:
############### aggregate aid and filers #########################
disaggregated =np.multiply(C_2D, X)

#summing once gives us metro-level totals -> summing that gives us total
total = disaggregated.sum(axis=1).sum()

In [71]:
print("Total EITC Housing Aid cost: %.2f billion" %(total/1e9))

Total EITC Housing Aid cost: 100.80 billion

In [ ]:

Calculate Number of metros where families earn 52,400

In [57]:
#Cacl number of metros where family earning ... 
max_inc_aid = (one_family_aid.loc[52000]>0).sum(axis=1).sum()
print("Number of metros where family earning 52400 gets EITC housing aid: %d" %max_inc_aid)

expens_cbsas = one_family_aid.loc[52000,'Married, 3 Kids'].loc[(one_family_aid.loc[52000, "Married, 3 Kids"]>0)].index

Number of metros where family earning 52400 gets EITC housing aid: 58

In [60]:

10900                              Warren County, NJ
11260                                  Anchorage, AK
12100                    Atlantic City-Hammonton, NJ
12420               Austin-Round Rock-San Marcos, TX
12580                           Baltimore-Towson, MD
12700                            Barnstable Town, MA
14460                 Boston-Cambridge-Quincy, MA-NH
14500                                    Boulder, CO
14740                       Bremerton-Silverdale, WA
14860                                    Danbury, CT
15540                Burlington-South Burlington, VT
18880         Crestview-Fort Walton Beach-Destin, FL
19740                   Denver-Aurora-Broomfield, CO
21820                                  Fairbanks, AK
22660                      Fort Collins-Loveland, CO
24020                                Glens Falls, NY
25180                                 Hagerstown, MD
25540       Hartford-West Hartford-East Hartford, CT
27060                                     Ithaca, NY
28740                                   Kingston, NY
29820                         Las Vegas-Paradise, NV
31080                     Los Angeles-Long Beach, CA
31700                                     Nashua, NH
33100                            Fort Lauderdale, FL
33460        Minneapolis-St. Paul-Bloomington, MN-WI
33700                                    Modesto, CA
34900                                       Napa, CA
34940                        Naples-Marco Island, FL
35300                    Milford-Ansonia-Seymour, CT
35620                             Bergen-Passaic, NJ
35840              North Port-Bradenton-Sarasota, FL
35980                         Norwich-New London, CT
36140                                 Ocean City, NJ
36500                                    Olympia, WA
36740                  Orlando-Kissimmee-Sanford, FL
37100               Oxnard-Thousand Oaks-Ventura, CA
37980    Philadelphia-Camden-Wilmington, PA-NJ-DE-MD
38060                      Phoenix-Mesa-Glendale, AZ
38900            Portland-Vancouver-Hillsboro, OR-WA
39820                                    Redding, CA
39900                                Reno-Sparks, NV
40140           Riverside-San Bernardino-Ontario, CA
40900        Sacramento--Arden-Arcade--Roseville, CA
41500                                    Salinas, CA
41740              San Diego-Carlsbad-San Marcos, CA
41860                            Oakland-Fremont, CA
41940                          San Benito County, CA
42020                San Luis Obispo-Paso Robles, CA
42100                     Santa Cruz-Watsonville, CA
42200           Santa Barbara-Santa Maria-Goleta, CA
42220                        Santa Rosa-Petaluma, CA
42660                           Seattle-Bellevue, WA
44700                                   Stockton, CA
45940                              Trenton-Ewing, NJ
46700                          Vallejo-Fairfield, CA
47220               Vineland-Millville-Bridgeton, NJ
47260     Virginia Beach-Norfolk-Newport News, VA-NC
47900      Washington-Arlington-Alexandria, DC-VA-MD
Name: Areaname, dtype: object

Capping EITC benefits at the city median income

In [ ]:
masked_quantiles = ma.masked_where(quantiles<.5,quantiles)
median_idx = np.where(masked_quantiles == masked_quantiles.min(axis=0))
median_mat = np.zeros(quantiles.shape, dtype=bool)